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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Charlie Sheen and Sheila Jackson Lee , have what in common ,they could have come from the same household ?




What you see at home is always what you see in Politics , you have the father,and the mother and the child .     The strong one of these two Parents rules the house, and drives the child crazy and the weak parent goes along to get along...

In these households the man is weak and goes out to get drunk to get away from the Witch that is in the Wife or he is the Son of a Witch , like my dad was and is the Bully of the house.     Then finally there arises in one of the children ,the Brat that must be attended to by the family, and the other child or children usually become Hyper Good...    Of course they are not really good inside but are very good at appearing good ...It is fascinating  to go into youtube comments ,below the videos and see the reactions from people both conservative and liberal when you question their assertions and Judgements.. Both will attack you although the conservative uses nicer words when denigrating..
The strong one always wins and the weak always feed themselves to the strong( like any Vampire movie will show you ) then the bully Tyrant is disdainful as you prostrate yourself and feed yourself to him .   For evidence just watch video of any Tyrant and watch the utter contempt they show the one feeding themselves to them. 

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C9Ulrc-r5xk    notice the crowds action and the contempt that Kim has to his followers with the wave of his hand, while people who are going hungry celebrate this great leader..

There is also a Third kind of person, like Jesus this person doesn't rely on themselves but is lead by a higher power, like a Ronald Reagan , or even a Sarah Palin, they stay above the every day entanglements which upset others , that is the Path that i now have Discovered, one of INNER Faith and Insight ..   You also will find this Spirit in every culture throughout history where people have found Wisdom.. :)

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